There are hundreds of different studies into the natural health benefits of cannabis, but what could this natural plant do for you?
For many people, the only answer to their health problems has been doctor prescribed pharmaceutical medications. When it comes to sleep and pain issues, this normally results in doctors prescribing opioid-based medications. These come with a long list of negative side-effects as well as on-going addiction problems. Often, one prescription medications side-effects result in you having to take other prescription medication, and so the negative flow-on effect continues.
Over the last century, patients have had very little choice in their types of medication. The last decade has changed that, however, with many different countries offering medicinal marijuana as an option for health-conscious patients.
Below are some of the studies and health benefits associated with cannabis use
What Are Some of the Health Benefits Of Cannabis?
Cannabis to Stop the Spread of Cancer Cells – A study published in the Journal of Molecular Cancer Therapeutics found that CBD could stop cancer cells from spreading.
Prevention of Alzheimer’s – A study by the Scripps Research Institute found that THC could slow the formation of amyloid plaques. These plaques are responsible for killing brain cells that could potentially lead to Alzheimer’s.
Treating Glaucoma – Glaucoma is when the pressure in the eyeball builds up and damages the optic nerve. A study undertaken by the National Eye Institute suggests that cannabis could lower the pressure in the eyes preventing damage.
Relief from Arthritis – Because of its pain and inflammation relief properties, cannabis could help those who have rheumatoid arthritis. Patients in studies which took Sativex, a cannabis-based pain relief medication, experienced reduction in pain and better sleep patterns compared to those that took placebos.
Help To Control Seizures – A study undertaken in 2003 proved that cannabis could help control epileptic seizures and spasms. THC was found to help control the seizures by binding brain cells which are responsible for regulation relaxation and excitability.
Cannabis isn’t always the easiest substance to accurately dose. There are hundreds of different strains, and each of them is responsible for providing different effects and benefits. Whenever you start using cannabis, it’s very important that you start off slowly until you understand how you’re going to react and what your tolerances are to cannabis. Over time, your body will adapt to cannabis, and your tolerances will grow stronger.
One of the great things about cannabis is that it’s extremely versatile. There are a variety of different delivery methods available to choose from. You don’t have to smoke it! You can vape it, vape cannabis oil, dry flower, take ingestible edibles and even apply cannabis ointments and tinctures directly to affected areas of your body.
Cannabis has come a very long way in a very short period. The last decade has led to several exciting discoveries around the health benefits of cannabis and what they mean for some conditions. If cannabis could be an option for you, speak to your doctor or healthcare professional about how marijuana could help you!